iPhone – Old App

The iPhone app GerGTS Tracker version 2.20 is now available for use with SailTracker.  The app can be found on the App Store by searching for “gtstracker”.

NOTE:  there is a bug in GerGTS Tracker caused by IOS7 which causes the app to send occasional bad data when minimized/running in the background.  Do not minimize the app or erratic tracking could result – when ready to track, turn it on, connect to power and leave it alone if possible.  A new app will be available on the app store shortly.

NOTE:  Install the full version – the “Free” version will not allow you to point the tracker app to the SailTracker website.

Open the application and go to “Settings”. Choose and enter the below configuration settings and your boat’s Vehicle ID. The boat’s Vehicle ID will be assigned in Step 1.

photo 2

In Advanced settings, choose the following:

photo 1


If you haven’t already signed up, contact us to get your boat added to the database at info@sailtracker.net or your boat will not appear on the tracking server.

Now you are ready to begin using the tracker. Caution: the tracking app drains the phone battery! It is highly recommended that the phone is attached to an external charging source (ship’s power or a battery booster pack such as that sold by PPCtechs.com).

If you cannot attach your phone to an external charging source you may want to increase the update interval to 300 seconds or 600 seconds. This will extend the phone’s battery life but will also reduce the resolution of the track on the website.

Now, start the tracker by pushing the ‘start’ button:

If you see “GPSOK” in the ‘Last response from server:’ section your tracker is working.

Here is a link to a PDF version of these instructions.